The Tunnel Thru the Air

The Tunnel Thru the Air

or Looking Back From 1940

William D. Gann
Number of Pages: 302
ISBN paperback: 978-1-396-31892-4
ISBN hardback: 978-1-396-31894-8

At first glance this book might seem like a thrilling science fiction and romance novel, but look deeper and discover much more!

“This story is founded on facts and events, many of which have happened or will happen in the future.” Writes the author, William Delbert Gann.

It has unbelievably accurate predictions about many things, ranging from economic forecasts, to the Great Depression and even the Second World War!

People have dedicated their lives to the study of this book, extracting inexhaustible valuable information that helped in every aspect of their lives.

Robert Rundle, a man who founded a website and a society dedicated to this book, writes: “There are so many layers, I sincerely doubt if we will ever find them all. He really was a genius.”

In the preface, Gann admits that his book “contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled language. Some will find it the first time they read it, others will see it in the second reading, but the greatest number will find the hidden secret when they read it the third time.”

Choice is yours. You could be of those who read the book once and enjoy the novel, twice and unveil its secrets, or three times and apply the revelations to your practical life.
